Parsha, Parshah Dena Schusterman Parsha, Parshah Dena Schusterman

Listen To Her Voice, Listen To Yours

“The life of Sara” is the portion in which she dies. Avraham buries her, he cries too. Sara, our foremother, says the Zohar, is a metaphor for the body, Avraham, our forefather, the soul. The body is buried, the soul carries on (literally).

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Parsha, Chassidus Dena Schusterman Parsha, Chassidus Dena Schusterman

My Muscle Memory

In 2021 I skied for the first time in 21 years. Arriving at Alta mountain in Utah with Eliyahu and Menny, I put on a confident show. In reality, my heart was thumping out fear.

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Parsha Dena Schusterman Parsha Dena Schusterman

My Dwelling, and His

These flowers are more than just a scene; they are my dream. Ask my sisters, they will tell you, all I ever want out of my physical space is somewhere filled with natural beauty upon which to rest my eyes.

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Parsha Dena Schusterman Parsha Dena Schusterman

Am I a Cliche’?

I am a cliche'. I pull my sourdough starter out of the fridge each Thursday morning since quarantine and then set it on the counter. It lies there idle. Flat. There is no sound. It's dead. I feed it.

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